Episode 11 Christine Rothschild

In May 1968, the murder of University of Wisconsin – Madison first year student Christine Rothschild shocked the campus of 33,000 students. Studious and quiet Christine was unhappy at UW, and hoped to transfer – but two days before she was due to leave, she was murdered in a brutal and sadistic case of overkill. Her brazen killer waylaid her in broad daylight, and arranged her in a gruesome tableau that resulted in him being termed a psychopath. Christine’s case is unsolved – but we will discuss the prime suspect in the case, a man who reportedly was stalking the young student, and whose erratic and disturbing behavior was ignored by the university.

Be sure to check out the two books about this case referenced in this episode:
Murder on the 56th Day by Linda Schulko & Mad City: The True Story of the Campus Murders That America Forgot by Michael Arntfield


Episode 12 Norma Patricia Esparza


Episode 10 Nicholas Armstrong