Episode 17 Annie Le

In 2009, pharmacology graduate student and soon-to-be bride Annie Le went to her research lab in the basement of a medical research facility at Yale University. She never left. She was finally found on her wedding day, stuffed into a tiny hole behind a wall panel in the laboratory building locker room. Investigators knew that her killer had to be someone with access to the facility – someone who, like Annie, was affiliated with Yale. And it was not long before they homed in on their suspect – a laboratory technician with no known relationship with Annie. What motivated Raymond Clark III to kill Annie Le? How was he able to hide her body – and much of the evidence – without attracting any attention during a busy school day? And – did an incident in his past foreshadow what he was capable of? Join Meghan and Amy as they examine the tragic murder of Annie Le.


Episode 18 Cheri Jo Bates


Episode 16 Colleen Ritzer