Episode 19 Lauren McCluskey

University of Utah track and field star Lauren McCluskey had everything going for her. Until she met Melvin Shawn Rowland at a club, and started dating him. Melvin told Lauren he was just 28, and a college student like her. But he was really 37, had a child – and had done ten years in prison for a sex crime. When Lauren broke up with Melvin, she started receiving bizarre and then concerning texts, and then the sextortion started. Lauren went to the campus police for help repeatedly, but her cries for help went unheard. On October 22nd, as she was on the phone with her parents, Melvin grabbed Lauren outside her dorm and shot her 7 times. The school had ignored all the warning signs – and Lauren McCluskey paid the ultimate price.

Please visit the Lauren McCluskey Foundation
website to learn more about Lauren's story and how her spirit lives on with a mission to help campuses across the country remain safe spaces.

This is the final epsiode of season 1 of Campus Killings. Season 2 will debut in September 2023, make sure you stay subscribed to the show on your favorite podcast platform.


Episode 20 Sami Josephson


Episode 18 Cheri Jo Bates