Episode 32 Troy and LaDonna French

In 2012, a young woman called Rockingham County, NC authorities in the middle of the night and reported that an intruder had shot her parents. Troy and LaDonna French were mowed down with bullets in their own home. Their daughter Whitley, was left to tell the unbelievable story. Investigators knew that the killer was someone with access to the house – but who? After three years and 65 failed DNA comparisons, they were stumped. They decided to use sophisticated partial DNA matching to compare the killer’s DNA with that of someone close to the family – someone whose DNA did not match the killer’s in a straightforward comparison. Then, phenotyping gave them even more information - and what they found blew the case wide open.


Episode 33 Marise Chiverella


Episode 31 Sophie Sergie Parts 1 & 2