Episode 64 Kara Hyde

23 year old Kara Hyde was last seen in Hamilton, Ohio on December 5th, 2021. When she left her mom Lisa Smith's home, Lisa had no idea it would be the last time she'd see her daughter. Kara was struggling mentally, and with drug use, and was not in a good place in her life. She had disappeared for short stints before, so Lisa was not quick to report Kara missing. But this time, Kara never came home, and Lisa has struggled over the last year trying to find her daughter. She's resorted to checking on tips and leads herself. Some of Kara's belongings were found, but Kara herself was not. Lisa discusses her daughter's case in this episode.

Missing from: Hamilton, Ohio
Missing since: 12/5/2021
Missing age: 23
Current age: 24
Gender: Female
Race/Ethnicity: White
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Brown

If you have information contact Hamilton Police Department at (513) 868-5811

Check out Kara's Facebook group


Episode 65 Nicole Bell


Episode 63 Tracy Epps AKA Tracy Butler