Episode 41 Lake Herman Road 56th Anniversary
On December 20th, 1968, teenagers David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen would become the first confirmed victims of the Zodiac Killer. They were gunned down on sleepy Lake Herman Rd on the outskirts of Vallejo in a tight six minute window of time. At the time of the murders, police were stumped as to who would want the young couple dead. It wasn't until months later in July, 1969 that Zodiac would strike again, and take credit for the Lake Herman Rd murders; launching one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in American history- who was the Zodiac Killer?; a question still being asked over half a century later. In this episode, special guest Blackbox Online Radio host, Ned Dehan discusses the clues and evidence from Lake Herman Rd, and the unanswered questions that still hang over the double murder on the anniversary of the crime 56 years later.
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