Episode 3 Robert Bechtel

In 1955, there was a shocking murder at Swarthmore College, in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania. A student, Francis Holmes Strozier, was shot in the head and killed as he slept in his dorm bed. The killer, 22 year old student Robert Bechtel, was the one who alerted others to his crime. But, Bechtel claimed that he was driven to kill others after being the victim of bullying, and at trial, used the insanity defense. Bechtel was institutionalized, but less than 5 years later was a free man. He went on to live a seemingly normal life – even becoming a professor at a college himself. But Bechtel would eventually confess all to his own students – and use his own actions as a call to action to fight campus bullying.


Episode 4 Pam Milam


Episode 2 Yeardley Love