Episode 4 Pam Milam

In this episode we discuss a truly devastating campus murder – the 1972 abduction, rape and slaying of college student Pam Milam. Pam was enjoying sorority rush week at Indiana State University in Terre Haute. She attended some evening events with her friends, and left a party before midnight to go move her car closer to the dormitory suite. She never returned. The next day her father located her distinct vehicle parked in a different spot, and in the trunk was Pam, bound and strangled. Authorities looked at numerous suspects, including a fellow student who abducted and raped at least 2 women, but the case went cold. Forensic Genealogy conducted decades later pointed to a suspect no one had ever considered – multiple offender Jeffrey Lynn Hand. We will take a look at Hand, and the nexus between the violent rapist and killer and the promising young woman whose life he snuffed out.


Episode 5 Jane Britton


Episode 3 Robert Bechtel