Episode 108 Connor Lloyd


29-year-old Connor Lloyd seemed to have a lot of things going for him. The military veteran had a good job, was planning to wrap up some college, had a young daughter, and he was engaged to be married.

But on August 18, 2021, Connor was murdered outside of his Lyman, SC home that he shared with his fiancé Whitney. After investigating someone outside of his house, Connor went outside to investigate and was confronted by someone. A struggle ensued, and Connor was shot and left for dead.

His attacker fled into the night and despite a fast response from EMTs and police, Connor couldn’t be saved. Connor’s family believes that this was no random encounter and that Connor, and perhaps Whitney had been targeted, and the person or persons responsible were not strangers to Connor.

The case remains unsolved. Connor’s mom Jessica discusses her son’s case in this episode, and how her son’s murder has had a ripple effect on those closest to Connor.

If you have information about the murder of Connor Lloyd, please call the Lyman Police Department directly at 864-439-8445

To learn more about Connor’s case, please visit the Facebook page set up for his case

NOTE: 6/17/22 At the request of Connor’s mom, Jessica, I have removed this episode. It may one day be available to listen to again. Until it is, please help spread the word about Connor’s case, and come forward with tips or information if you have it. Thank you 


Episode 109 Michael Scardifield


Episode 107 Michael Russell