Episode 117 Mary Hayre

AbJack Entertainment produces the best true crime podcasts available on your favorite podcast player.

4-Year-Old Mary Hayre was the glue that held her family together.

The mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother were a big part of her family’s lives, but on February 27, 2021, Mary was killed in a senseless and tragic act of violence.

She had gone to the Pinecrest Apartments, located at 1920 McMillan Avenue in North Charleston to get a cell phone her great-grandson had forgotten at a sleepover. While she sat in her car talking to her daughter Pamela on the phone, someone walked up to the driver’s side door of her car and began shooting at Mary. Tragically, Pamela heard it all on the phone call. Despite it being the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday, not many people came forward with information, perhaps because they were afraid to.

Eventually, one witness did come forward and from a photo lineup, they picked out a man named Zaswan Rosendary as the shooter. On March 5, less than a week after the murder, Rosendary was arrested and charged with murder as well as possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime. Just weeks later, Rosendary was released after information came to the attention of police; information that police are keeping close to the vest. The police and Mary’s family are back to square one, and Mary’s family is desperate to see justice done.

Mary’s daughter, Pamela, discusses the events of that tragic day in February, 2021, as well as her family’s pleas to see Mary’s killer held accountable.

If you have information about Mary’s murder, you can remain anonymous, and call Crime Stoppers at 843-554-1111 or submit a tip on their website.


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